Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Revitalize with TRT: Harnessing Hormonal Harmony
Our dedicated team understands the impact of testosterone levels and offers Testosterone replacement therapy.Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment that involves supplementing or replacing testosterone in individuals with low testosterone levels. It aims to restore testosterone levels to a normal range, alleviating symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency and improving overall well-being.Schedule your consultation with our expert in testosterone replacement therapy at Invigorate Health to build a treatment plan specific to your needs and expected results.
what it treats
Active Individuals with Testosterone Imbalance
Procedure time
15-20 Minutes
Must be 21 or Over
recovery & downtime
There is no recovery or downtime
How long does it take to experience results from testosterone replacement therapy?
You will see improvement within the first 2 to 3 weeks of therapy, but it will take up to 8 weeks to feel the full effect.
What side effects are there?
There are side effects to TRT, however, it does vary from individual to individual. Some of the more notable side effects would be: Weight Gain, the possibility of infertility, blood clots in the vein or lung, and high blood pressure. Here at Invigorate Health, we do make sure we have a current blood panel run to make sure we minimize the chances of these side effects
How do I know if I have a testosterone deficiency?
At Invigorate Health we do run a comprehensive blood panel before assessing any situation and provide you with an honest and accurate consultation before suggesting or beginning any kind of treatment.
How long do I have to continue treatment?
Five years or less is usually the recommended duration of use for this combined treatment, but the length of time can be individualized for each man or woman.
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